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Internship |

Summer Internship Programme Offered From

Summer Internship:

Summer Internship Festival 2024

Join us at CADD Centre’s Summer Internship Festival 2024 for a transformative learning experience. Explore cutting-edge technologies through hands-on training to boost your skills and start your career journey this summer. Complementing this, NEP 2020 mandates research internships for undergraduates in Indian universities, lasting 8-10 weeks, fostering interdisciplinary research and supporting India’s self-reliance vision.

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Internship Course Highlights

Explore the latest trends in emerging technologies.

Gain valuable hands-on experience, practical exercises.

Choose from multiple learning mode according to your need.

Dive into vocational courses tailored to industry needs.

Receive a Participation Certificate upon completion.

Trending Internship Courses

Showcase Your Accomplishments with Pride

Get Your Certificate

Acquire a Recognized Certificate and Earn Credits Aligned with National Education Policy 2020.

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Successfully complete the course and captivate employers by showcasing it on LinkedIn.